Celebrating New Talent in Dental Technology

Celebrating New Talent in Dental Technology
August 23, 2024
  |   by
Hugo Sousa

Like F1 cars constantly pushing the limits of speed, the fresh talent and their revved-up minds often propel our industry's innovation into the fast lane.

At Nexus Dental Lab, we are committed to nurturing the next generation of dental technicians, those who will help shape the future of oral health care. This commitment to supporting up-and-coming talent isn't just a nice-to-have – it's a critical priority for the entire dental technology industry, ensuring a bright future for our field.

We have long been at the forefront of this initiative, creating an environment where new professionals can thrive. The lab's approach combines cutting-edge technology with a supportive learning culture, providing the perfect breeding ground for innovation and growth.

Our MD, Steve, is particularly proud of the recent crop of newly qualified technicians. "Watching these young professionals juggle work and college over the past three years has been truly inspiring," he says. "Their dedication and hard work, especially during challenging times, speaks volumes about their character and passion for this field, and it's something we can all be proud of. We're doing more than just helping people build careers at Nexus. We're grooming the next generation of trailblazers who'll take our industry to new heights.”

Today, we're spotlighting one of our newly qualified team members, celebrating their journey and the passion they bring to the world of dental technology.

Meet Andrew Rippon, a 25-year-old South African who's traded the wide-open spaces of his homeland for the precision world of dental prosthetics. 

Andrew’s story is one of unexpected turns and exciting discoveries. He embodies the spirit of adaptability and enthusiasm that's so crucial in our field. His unique journey is a testament to the diverse paths leading to our industry's success, inspiring us all.

From Safari to Smiles, Andrew's Journey into Dental Technology

Picture this: a young lad growing up on a safari farm in South Africa, surrounded by wildlife and open skies. Now imagine that same person meticulously crafting dental implants in a high-tech lab in the beautiful Yorkshire city of Ripon.

It's not your typical career trajectory, but for Andrew, this unexpected path has led to a fulfilling career in dental technology. He faced challenges, such as adapting to a new country and learning the intricacies of dental technology, but these only fuelled his enthusiasm and determination.

"After a gap year in Kent and a brief return to South Africa, I was drawn back to the UK," Andrew explains, his accent a pleasant blend of South African lilt and Yorkshire twang.

"There's just more opportunity here. I landed my first lab job in Leeds, and that's where it all began. I've always loved working with my hands, so creating dental appliances really piqued my interest." It was in Leeds that Andrew met Dave, who would later introduce him to Nexus Dental Lab. Nexus provided Andrew with a job and a supportive environment in which to learn and grow in dental technology.

Like many newcomers to the field, Andrew had no clue what dental technology entailed when he first dipped his toes in. But as he dove deeper into his training, a new world opened up. "Each day brings something new to learn," he says, a hint of excitement in his voice. "It keeps me on my toes and fuels my interest."

Andrew's eyes light up as he describes his first tour of Nexus. "I was blown away by the difference between where I was and what Nexus had to offer, especially on the digital side."

Now part of the CAD team at Nexus, Andrew's days are filled with designing dental prosthetics, communicating with clinicians, and paying meticulous attention to detail. "It's all about what's best for the patient and the clinician," he explains. "We're lucky to have tools that let us share 3D views with clinicians, giving them a clear picture of what we're working on." Andrew's work directly contributes to improving patients' oral health and smiles, making his role in the dental technology field highly meaningful.

But it's not all smooth sailing. Andrew admits that clear communication can be a challenge. "Sometimes we get prescriptions that are a bit vague," he says with a wry smile. "We often have to balance function and aesthetics, and that requires a bit of back-and-forth with the clinicians."

When asked about the most complex project he's tackled, Andrew doesn't hesitate. "Definitely implant cases," he says, leaning forward. "There are so many different implant systems out there, and each case is unique. It's a real puzzle to put together, from aligning the digital scans to designing the final restoration. I love it!"

What stands out about Andrew's experience at Nexus is the supportive learning environment. "There's no such thing as a silly question here," he says, genuine appreciation in his voice. "It's all about progressing as individuals and as a lab. That approach has really boosted my confidence."

Looking to the future, Andrew's eyes sparkle with enthusiasm. "The digital side of dental technology is growing so fast. I'd love to get out there more, interact with clinicians, and stay on top of new software and materials." He pauses, then adds with a grin, "Though I joke about going back to farming sometimes!"

As our chat winds down, I can't help but ask Andrew about his dream project. "An FP3 implant bridge," he replies without missing a beat. "A full aesthetics case where I could really go to town, from soft tissue to teeth. That would be something to be proud of."

Reflecting on his journey, Andrew's gratitude is palpable. "I'm very grateful for the opportunity I've been given at Nexus," he says. I'm in the right spot to grow my career and contribute to the company's success.

From the African bush to the cutting edge of dental technology, Andrew's path has been anything but ordinary. But he's found his calling, crafting smiles and changing lives. His story is a testament to the diverse backgrounds and fresh perspectives newcomers bring to the dental technology field, promising an exciting future for the industry.

As Steve puts it, "What Andy and his cohorts are doing at Nexus shows how crucial it is to back fresh talent. We're not just throwing them in at the deep end - we're giving them the tools, the tech, and the chance to keep learning. It's not just about Nexus looking after its future; we're helping push the whole dental tech world forward. It's a win-win."

He continues, "The fresh perspectives and technological aptitude these young professionals bring to the table are invaluable. They challenge us to think differently and push the boundaries of what's possible in dental technology."

As we wrap up Andrew’s story, we've got many talented youngsters here at Nexus, each with a unique journey into dental tech. So keep your eyes peeled—we'll sit down with more of our up-and-comers in the coming weeks.

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