Skate to Where the Puck is Going-Digital Dentistry's Game-Changing Play book

Skate to Where the Puck is Going- Digital Dentistry's Game-Changing Playbook
July 16, 2024
  |   by
Hugo Sousa

Digital technology and artificial intelligence are shaking up dentistry at an unprecedented pace. Drawing on insights from our CEO, Steve Campbell, and CAD team member Magda Kotula, we explore why embracing digital workflows isn't just an option—it's an imperative for forward-thinking dental professionals.

Skating to Where the Puck is Going

Wayne Gretzky famously said, “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.” This philosophy encapsulates perfectly the approach needed in modern dentistry. 

Steve says, “I recognised that something wasn't working in the industry... we were stuck in the dark ages.” This realisation led to a paradigm shift, abandoning analogue processes for a fully digital dental workstream.

The transformative power of embracing digital workflows is evident in Nexus's growth. In just nine years, we expanded from a team of two to over 25 employees, a testament to digital adoption's efficiency and growth potential in dentistry.

Breaking Down Barriers with Digital Workflows

One of the most profound impacts of digital dentistry is the elimination of geographic constraints. “Geographic boundaries don't exist any more,” Steve emphasises. This shift allows for unprecedented collaboration, with cases involving teams across countries working seamlessly together.

The implications are far-reaching: access to global talent, 24/7 productivity, and leveraging specialised expertise regardless of location. Steve notes, “We've got Harrogate, Tenerife and London, all on one case.” This level of collaboration was unthinkable in the analogue era.

The Urgency of Digital Adoption

The shift to digital dentistry is not just a trend; it's becoming the norm in the industry. Steve shares an anecdote that underscores this urgency: “A friend of mine said to all his clients, 'In a year, if you don't have an intraoral scanner, and you're not sending me scans, I won't work with you any more.'” This anecdote reflects the reality of our industry and the need for swift digital adoption.

While this might seem drastic, it reflects the reality of our industry. Just as we wouldn't return to horses and carts after the invention of the steam engine, there's no going back to purely analogue dentistry. The question isn't if you'll adopt digital workflows, but when - and the time is now.

Precision, Speed, and Reduced Remakes

The benefits of digital workflows extend beyond collaboration. Steve highlights the dramatic improvement in turnaround times: “Digital surgeons send us a scan, and we can work on it two minutes later." This speed, combined with the ability to preview and adjust designs before manufacturing, has significantly reduced remakes.

Our digital workflows have significantly reduced our remake and rejection rates, leading to a paradigm shift in delivering dentistry. We can 'nail it before we make it,' ensuring precision and efficiency, improving patient care and boosting profitability for us and our surgeon partners.

The Human Element in a Digital World

While the benefits of digital workflows are clear, it's crucial to remember that technology is a tool, not a replacement for expertise. A skilled CAD designer, Magdalena Kotula, emphasises this: "I like adding a personal touch to my designs. I always aim to have the restoration look as natural as possible." Your unique skills and experience make you an integral part of the digital dentistry revolution.

This blend of digital precision and artistic craftsmanship distinguishes truly exceptional dental work. In the digital era, the most successful professionals will be those who can harness the power of technology while leveraging their unique skills and experience.

Partnering with Visionaries

Staying at the forefront of digital dentistry isn't just about adopting the latest tools—it's about aligning with partners shaping the industry's future. Steve emphasises this: "We're not just users of technology; we're collaborators in its development." This collaborative approach is crucial in shaping the future of digital dentistry.

By partnering with forward-thinking companies and actively participating in developing new technologies, we dental professionals can ensure we are not only keeping pace with change but also helping to drive it.

The Future is Now

The message is clear: the future of dentistry is digital, and that future is now. Those who embrace this reality, who "skate to where the puck is going to be," will be best positioned to thrive in the coming years.

The digital train is leaving the station. The question isn't whether you'll get on board but how quickly you can secure your seat at the forefront of this revolution. As Magda aptly puts it when thinking about the future of digital dentistry, it's simply "Future." And that future is here, now.

Ready to explore the future of digital dentistry?

At Nexus Dental Laboratory, we're passionate about sharing our digital dentistry journey and helping others navigate this exciting transformation.

We'd love to connect with you if you're curious about implementing digital workflows in your practice or lab or want to learn more about our experiences.

Contact us to discuss how digital dentistry could transform your work. Let's shape the future of dentistry together.

*This article draws insights from interviews conducted in partnership with exocad, a leading innovator in dental CAD software. We are grateful for their continued collaboration in advancing digital dentistry.

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