Unveiling Ripon's Groundbreaking Dental Education Suite: Where History Meets Innovation

Unveiling Ripons Groundbreaking Dental Education Suite Where History Meets Innovation
May 13, 2024
  |   by
Hugo Sousa

A historical landmark in Ripon, the Old Wesleyan Chapel on Coltsgate Hill, has been revitalised and is set to transform dental education.

Once teetering on the edge of neglect, this remarkable structure is poised to become a beacon of learning, seamlessly fusing the intricate threads of history with the cutting-edge of dentistry. 

Nexus Dental Digital Lab currently occupies the ground floor of the Old Wesleyan Chapel, providing advanced dental services in a historically rich setting. 

Above, the chapel's upper floor—formerly the 'preaching pit'—is being transformed into an innovative dental education suite. Historically used for engaging and instructive speeches, this unique space is ideally suited for its new role in dental education. 

This thoughtfully adapted area will offer state-of-the-art training facilities in its new life, seamlessly integrating the building's rich heritage with modern dental education and practice demands.

A Historical Home with a New Purpose 

The Renton Collection, a painstakingly curated assemblage of more than 2,000  scientific and technological instruments gathered from across the globe, has been used in every measurement and weighing employed by humanity since 600 BC. 

Spanning decades, Alex and Gwen Renton put the collection together and find its new abode here, providing a breathtaking backdrop to the state-of-the-art dental education suite we are crafting.

In 1997, Professor Norman Biggs, an internationally recognised expert on weights and measures based at the Centre for Discrete and Applicable Mathematics at the London School of Economics and Political Science, said:

"The Renton Collection of weights and measures is unique; there is no similar collection anywhere in the world, and it reflects a broader range of weighing and measuring activity than a 'normal' museum collection."

Image Courtesy of The Stray Ferret

Blending Purpose with History

The education suite will be a multifunctional training ground for future dental professionals. It's where historical artefacts and modern dental practices converge, sparking curiosity and excitement. 

This dynamic space will also serve the broader dental community as a venue for study clubs, lectures, and awards ceremonies, ensuring it is open and utilised by all.

Innovative Learning in a Historical Setting

"Students and professionals will be introduced to the latest dental technologies and techniques amidst a backdrop of historical artefacts," says Steve Campbell, CEO of Nexus Dental Laboratory. 

"We hope this juxtaposition enriches the learning experience and provides a tangible connection to the evolution of science and dentistry, bridging centuries of innovation.

It's this unique blend of past and present that truly inspires and educates."

A World-Class Training Facility

Nestled on the doorstep of the stunning Yorkshire Dales, this unrivalled location will offer top-tier dental training and an escape into one of the UK's most beautiful landscapes. 

The combination of high-level professional education and the serene environment of the Dales provides an ideal setting for learning and personal growth.

Community Engagement and Educational Outreach 

We are excited to integrate the local community into our plans. The suite will serve as a resource for local schools and colleges, providing a hands-on learning environment that stimulates curiosity and fosters a deeper understanding of historical and contemporary science.

Looking Ahead

Plans are underway to ensure that the items in the Renton Collection are meticulously preserved and displayed. This initiative and our educational facilities will make the space a beacon of knowledge and a prime destination for national and international visitors interested in the confluence of history and modern dental practices.

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